Friday, April 27, 2007


Yes that's right, it's the time of year to honor, support and plant trees. And plant them we should. Enough of snowstorms in April, tornadoes swooping all around, and not just in Kansas, hurricanes, . It's all fixable isn't it? That's what Al Gore says, and if it weren't for him, you could only be reading this on some sort of Common Sense Pamphlet I'd be strewning about town. (Yes strewning) Cause as we all know the former Vice President invented the internet and for that we owe him a great deal, but isn't it convenient for him that after his movie about the Earth's impending doom, all this weather goes all haywire. A little too convenient, don't ya think? Yes Salt City Saul has figured him out. All this global warming hulabaloo is a big myth, you see. Thanks to some keen investigating and knowledge of cartoons, we've been able to uncover the harsh truth. And now we're gonna blow Mr. Gore's cockamamie theories right out of the water! You see we reckon that Mr.Gore has built himself a weather machine, much like that of Professor Norton Nimnul in an episode of Chip'n' Dale's Rescue Rangers. Yes Professor Nimnul used his machine to aid him in stealing various jewels, monies and trinkets. But what does Al Gore have to gain? Ummm, how 'bout documentary sales? If lots of people go see it, he can then parlay it into books, lectures, and personal appearances, and ultimately world domination. Nice try Mr. Gore, if that is your real name, but you're not fooling this blogger, just be on the lookout for Chipmunks and mice, because Moneterey jack is one bad mammamjamma!


Unknown said...

Willie you are prolific! Look at the size of these posts! Good lord sir!

The VP said...

You are both gay and hot!

Willie Moe said...


Jill said...

Anything that mentions my favorite "forlorn Gore repeatedly gazing out of jet windows" movie and Chip 'N Dale Rescue Rangers gets my vote! Gadget was awesome, even if I'm partial to mice.