For our first blog we give you SCS's first annual "Hott predictions" for the coming year. And while it is already 2007, it is never too late to get our Madame Cleo on! Now we would like to point out that the framework for this blog was almost completely stolen from Electric City Paul. Since we wanted for this to be much like the work of ECP, but for the Salt City, we decided to go "The Office" style. The American version's pilot is almost identical to the British pilot, but after that they both take on lives on their own. So, while is this is not copying the ECP first blog it is copying one of the first blogs of the year. We hope this will be seen as an homage, and not an animositastical effort. After all imitation is the highest form of flattery. Thank you ECP! And now on with the predictions:
No more Federline, No more Spears. The new name for Brit? Britney Paul-Gosselaar
Coming out of the Closet in 2007: Oprah, Jay-Z, Richard Lewis, Alfonso Ribiero, Simon Cowell, Rob Schneider
Going back in the closet: Rosie O'Donnell. They don't want her.
Dustin Diamond's latest Tryst: Spinderella
Lindsey Lohan will get sober, realize she did Aaron Carter, Wilmer Valdarama, and a Herbie the Love Bug movie, and hit the bottle pretty hard.
Speaking of "Love Bugs", she will also contract Herpes, America's favorite Love "bug".
No longer happy with the title of "The Worlds Strongest Man" Phil Pfister use a trampoline to hurl himself into orbit, go to Uranus and become the "The Strongest Man in the Universe" While on Uranus, he tries to drag Saturn by it's rings, and his anus implodes.
Celebrity cast of "Gay, Straight or Taken": Color Me Badd
2007 Sports Champs:
Hockey: Winnipeg Jets
NBA: Vancouver Grizzlies
NCAA Basketball: Austin Peay
NFL: Cleveland Browns
MLB: Syracuse Stars
2007 Movie sequels being made: Bill and Ted's Hanus Trip, Passion of the Christ II- Electric Boogaloo, No Holds Barred 2: Rise of Zeus, TW3 (aka Teen Wolf Three), Leonard Part XV, and TRON II
Bands that will call it quits: Silverchair, Shelter, The Toadies, Creed, The Sheila Divine....yes, this will be the year the music dies.
Bands that will reunite: Culture Club, LFO, Nudeswirl, Days of the New, Primitive Radio Gods, and Creed
Sports comeback of the year? George Muresan
Next Hollywood remakes: Ishtar starring Sean William Scott and Ashton Kutcher, Gung Ho starring WilliamRagsdale,and Russkies starring Johnathan Lipnicki.
Next Atlete turned Political Candidate: World B. Free- who wouldn't vote for that name?
That right folks you heard it here first, stay tuned for more news you can use.